
27 October, 2006

British Patriotic Videos

An appeal for the preservation of the monarchy on the part of this video's creator, it provides moving combination of images and music interrupted, halfway through, with criticism of Conservative Partly leader David Cameron. I don't yet know much about Cameron's character or policy positions, but I don't understand the swipe at "iron lady" Margaret Thatcher, especially if this person's desire is to see a strong Britain.

A stirring montage -- Edward Elgar's "Nimrod" is one of my favorite pieces of music

QEII just wants to have fun -- an affectionate tribute.

24 October, 2006

The King of Ireland.

I didn't realize Ireland had remained in the Commonwealth until 1948, borrowing the UK's monarch for head of state. Apparently republics can be members of the Commonwealth now - what would you all think of Ireland rejoining? Apparently Mary Robinson floated the idea as a capstone to some kind of peace settlement for the North back in the 90s.

12 October, 2006

Just ordered meself one of these.

08 October, 2006

FLASH: We're on MySpace and Friendster!

AngloCeltoPhilia now has profiles on MySpace and Friendster!

Check us out:

06 October, 2006

Guinness - key to a long life!

"How do you keep looking so good?" one VC-wearing old soldier asked his Royal Navy buddy among the GCs.

"Guinness," replied the sailor, "that's my secret: lots of Guinness."

"I'm a Viagra man myself," laughed the soldier, his chest heaving so that those "bits of metal" tinkled merrily.

VC heroes mark 150 years of selfless bravery

By Ben Fenton
(Filed: 27/06/2006)

More than 2,000 people gathered at Westminster Abbey yesterday to celebrate the human qualities of courage, self-sacrifice and modesty.

Surviving holders of the VC ranged in age from 89 to 26

The Prince of Wales led the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Victoria Cross, with eight of the surviving 12 holders of Britain's highest gallantry award given pride of place near the altar.

Ranging in age from 89 to 26, these special men all said that they merely represented the 1,343 other VCs who had died, either in the act of winning the medal, or since.